Patient Information

Everything you need to know about your visit to London Gastroentrology Centre

At your consultation

Seeing a consultant at the London Gastroenterology Centre isn’t that different from an appointment with your usual family doctor. You will simply be offered some specialist tests and treatments, alongside expert advice from an experienced gastroenterologist.

The doctor will usually begin by asking about your symptoms and any relevant lifestyle factors. A physical examination will probably be required, so it is best to wear something loose that will allow you to uncover your chest and abdomen easily. Additional tests may be needed before a diagnosis can be made. You will also have a chance to discuss your condition and treatment options or to ask any questions.

You are welcome to bring a friend or relative with you to provide support. It can be helpful to have another person or some notes to remind you of what you want to tell the doctor and to help you remember everything the doctor tells you. You should also bring a referral letter if you have one, along with any relevant test results or health insurance information.

We make every effort to run on time, but there is always a chance of the occasional delay or emergency at the clinic. Most patients are seen within ten minutes of their appointment, so please make sure to arrive on time to help us keep the clinic running smoothly.


  • How long is the waiting time for an appointment?

    Appointments are available every day from Monday to Friday in Central London. We also offer appointments at selected private hospitals in the suburbs. Most people will be seen by a doctor within a couple of days of contacting us, although if you want to see a particular specialist, you may sometimes need to wait longer.

  • What conditions do you treat?

    We treat all luminal gastroenterological conditions including acid reflux, inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis) and irritable bowel syndrome. We also do endoscopy and colonoscopy to check for oesophageal, stomach and bowel cancer.

  • What are the fees for a consultation?

    All our consultants are fee assured BUPA consultants and are also part of the BUPA Premier Consultant Partnership. Patients insured with BUPA should never encounter any shortfalls in their fees. We also aim to work within the published fee schedules of all the other major UK private healthcare insurance companies. For self-pay patients, a new consultation is likely to cost between £250 to £350 depending on the nature of the problem and the consultant you are seeing. Follow up appointments cost from £200 to £250.

  • What are the fees for endoscopy and colonoscopy?

    Patients who have private medical insurance are likely to get full reimbursement for hospital and doctor fees. Please check with your insurance company. For self-pay patients, a diagnostic endoscopy costs from £1100 and a colonoscopy from £1400.

  • What is the Bristol Stool Scale Score?

    The Bristol Stool Form Scale is a simple way of describing the type of stools you produce. Type 3-5 is normal. Other types on the 7-point scale suggest that there is something wrong. Types 1-2 suggest constipation whereas types 6 and 7 suggest diarrhoea. Our expert consultants are all able to diagnose and treat the causes of different abnormalities with the stools.

  • What is a gastroenterologist?

    A gastroenterologist is a doctor who specialises in disorders of the digestive system, including the oesophagus, stomach, small and large intestines, liver, gall bladder and pancreas.

  • Do I need a referral?

    Most patients see a specialist after getting a referral from their GP or another doctor, but you can make an appointment directly. You should bring your referral letter and details of any tests and treatments you’ve already had.

  • Can I get a second opinion?

    Our second opinion service enables you to check your diagnosis and treatment with one of our consultants. You can also ask for a further opinion after seeing one of our doctors, although we hope you will discuss any concerns with us first.

  • How do I make an appointment?

    You can make an appointment at one of our clinics in central London or the suburbs over the phone. Alternatively you can send us an email and we will get back to you to arrange the appointment.

  • What happens if I miss or cancel an appointment?

    Please try to let us know at least one day before your appointment otherwise we may have to charge you as we won‘t be able to offer the time to another patient. However, we know that emergencies do happen so we try to be as understanding as possible.

  • What happens when you see a gastroenterologist?

    The doctor will talk to you about your symptoms, perform a physical examination, and recommend any tests or treatments that you need, including procedures like endoscopy or colonoscopy.

  • What is an endoscopy?

    Endoscopy is one of the diagnostic tests that may be carried out by a gastroenterologist. A camera on a flexible tube is passed down your throat to check your digestive tract.

  • What is a colonoscopy?

    A colonoscopy is a common diagnostic procedure for gastroenterological problems. A flexible tube with a camera on it is passed into your rectum and colon to examine your intestine.

  • Will my test or treatment hurt?

    Procedures like endoscopy and colonoscopy can be a bit uncomfortable, but you can be sedated to help you relax. Your doctor will explain what the procedure involves, what it will feel like, and what the risks and benefits are in detail before the procedure.

  • Second opinion service

    Our second opinion service enables you to seek advice from an experienced gastroenterologist if you are dissatisfied with your diagnosis or treatment. Our specialists can ensure that nothing has been missed in your diagnosis and that you are receiving the right care.

    When to seek a second opinion

    If you are unhappy with the diagnosis or treatment options offered by your current doctor, you can seek a second opinion from a specialist. You can get a second or further opinion if you are worried that you might have been wrongly diagnosed, if you aren’t sure that you are getting the best treatment, or if you are simply unhappy with your current care. Seeking confirmation from another doctor can help to put your mind at rest if you are anxious and it can also help you to feel more active and invested in your care. In some cases, a second opinion may reveal a misdiagnosis or another issue with your care that needs to be addressed.

    Getting a second opinion

    When you use our second opinion service, you should bring copies of the results of any tests that you have undergone, such as endoscopies, colonoscopies, histological tests, CT scans or MRIs. We will review the test results to ensure that they have been correctly interpreted, before running any additional tests that are needed to understand your case. We will also talk to you about your symptoms, diagnosis and the treatment options in order to ensure that you are getting the best possible care.


    • A painful condition that happens when part of your digestive system pokes through an opening in your abdominal muscles.

    • A condition affecting swallowing when the waves of peristalsis or contraction in your throat are absent or disordered.

    • Another name for the entire digestive tract.

    • A condition that can occur after long term acid reflux when the cells lining your oesophagus change.

    • An uncomfortably full or swollen feeling in your abdomen.

    • An investigation using a camera on a flexible tube to examine your large intestine.

    • Infrequent or difficult to pass bowel movements.

    • Loose, watery stools often combined with increased frequency of bowel movements.

    • A medical term for difficulty swallowing.

    • An investigation using a camera on a flexible tube to examine your digestive tract.

    • A procedure conducted alongside endoscopy to remove a tumour or other abnormal tissue from your digestive tract.

    • The flap that covers your windpipe when you are swallowing to prevent food getting into your lungs.

    • A small organ that stores the bile produced by your liver and releases it into your gut to help digest fats.

    • An investigation using a camera on a flexible tube to examine your throat, stomach or small intestine.

    • A condition that occurs when stomach acid frequently rises into your throat, causing pain and discomfort.

    • A general name for conditions like ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease that cause inflammation in the gut. Common symptoms include diarrhoea, weight loss, fatigue and cramping. May be related to problems with your immune system attacking healthy tissue.

    • A common symptom caused by stomach acid rising into your throat, often after overeating. Can be a sign of a more serious condition such as a peptic ulcer or GORD.

    • A long term condition that can make you sensitive to certain foods. Symptoms include constipation, diarrhoea, and abdominal cramps.

    • The part of your digestive system where nutrients and water are absorbed. Divided into the small intestine, which is made up of the duodenum, jejunum and ileum, and the large intestine, which includes the cecum, colon and rectum. Also known as the bowel.

    • Yellowing of the eyes and skin caused by high levels of bilirubin in your blood, which could be caused by problems with your liver.

    • A large organ that has many functions related to your digestive system, including the production of bile and the processing of some nutrients.

    • A blood test that can help identify problems with your liver or gallbladder by measuring the levels of certain enzymes and proteins.

    • Laser treatment to remove abnormal cells for conditions like oesophageal cancer and Barrett’s dysplasia.

    • A test to check the strength of the valve that prevents acid escaping from your stomach into your oesophagus.

    • An implant that can open up narrowed sections of the oesophagus.

    • A medical term for the part of your throat leading from your mouth to the stomach. Not to be confused with the trachea or windpipe, which goes to your lungs.

    • An organ that produces digestive enzymes and hormones such as insulin, which affect the way nutrients are processed by your body.

    • A test to check the acidity in your throat caused by reflux. You may be asked to wear a portable monitor or have a BRAVO device put in your oesophagus.

    • A treatment using radio waves to eliminate abnormal cells like those present in Barrett’s oesophagus.

    • Laser treatment to stop bleeding caused by dilated blood vessels in your stomach.

    Fees & Insurance

    Payment options

    All our consultants are fee assured BUPA consultants and are also part of the BUPA Premier Consultant Partnership. Patients insured with BUPA should never encounter any shortfalls in their fees.

    At the London Gastroenterology Centre, we want our patients to be comfortable that there will not be unexpected fees.

    We are available to see patients daily for private consultations

    Why choose the London Gastroentrology Centre?


    Same Week Appointments

    Fast diagnosis and treatment leads to better outcomes for patients.


    Confidentiality Assured

    We take your privacy seriously. Your personal information is securely protected.


    Choice of Payment Options

    We are recognised by all major UK insurers. We also see self-funding patients. Please speak to our office staff for details. 

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